"..he tried to work out what made the difficult girl tick"(45).
Amateur Psychoanalysis
From my experience it seems like everyone fancies themselves able psychologists capable of divining the cause behind the behaviors of everyone around them and what decisions they'd make in theoretical situations. How about you try it! Try to put one of your roommates into one of these outdated medieval personality types below.

Characteristics: Extroverted, a real people person, quick to anger, quick to forgive, easily distracted, optimistic, energetic.
Characteristics: Extroverted, a real people person, quick to anger, quick to forgive, easily distracted, optimistic, energetic.

Characteristics: Extroverted, wants to get things done, leadership, full of themselves, charismatic, stubborn.
Characteristics: Extroverted, wants to get things done, leadership, full of themselves, charismatic, stubborn.

Characteristics: Introverted, wants to get things done, leadership, serious, organized, hard worker, may appear depressed.
Characteristics: Introverted, wants to get things done, leadership, serious, organized, hard worker, may appear depressed.

Characteristics: Introverted, likes people, lazy, awkward, self blaming, timid, insecure.
Characteristics: Introverted, likes people, lazy, awkward, self blaming, timid, insecure.