Martin Vagner as Compared to Ted Bundy
"I'm more of a serial rapist than a serial murderer. In fact most of all, I'm a serial kidnapper. The killing is natural so to speak, because I have to hid my crime" Ch 24 Pg 489 (in my book)
While going through the book, we eventually find out that Martin Vagner, CEO of Vagner Corporation is a "serial rapist" as well as a murderer. He goes on to say "I'm more of a serial rapist than a serial murderer" and that he has never touched another man other than his own father. When Martin was a teen, he witnesses his father raping and killing women and even participates in the murder of Sarah Witt. Later Martin kills a woman while he is away at school. He admits that he was trained to hate women by his father. Vagner takes time in choosing his victims, although he mainly settles on powerless women who will not be missed (prostitutes, drug attics etc) so the police will not have a full scale investigation. He then drops his dead victims in the sea.
Martin seems like a nice person on the surface, he's hard working nice guy. This is also a trait of various serial killers, most notably a man named Theodore Robert Bundy
Martin seems like a nice person on the surface, he's hard working nice guy. This is also a trait of various serial killers, most notably a man named Theodore Robert Bundy

Ted Bundy was an American serial killer who committed over 30 murders of young women and girls during the 1970s. He too was also seen as a nice guy on the outside like Vagner, he would approach a victim in a public area feigning an injury or disability or impersonating an authority figure which would most likely win the victim's trust. Once in a secluded area, Bundy would then overpower the young woman via rape or assault. Sometimes he would return to the crime scenes to preform necrophiliac acts to the bodies.
Bundy never admitted to why he started killing women but it may have been due to a relationship he had with a fellow University of Washington student named Stephanie Brooks. Bundy loved her but Brooks did not respond with the same level of passion to him and ended their relationship when she graduated in 1968. This devastated him and it's believed he picked his victims due to physical similarities to Brooks. Eventually they got back together but as soon as Brooks thought the relationship would lead to marriage, Bundy basically gave her the finger and cut off all contact to her. Unfortunately, this was not enough for Bundy's revenge on Brooks as he would then carry out 30+ murders on women who dared bear resemblance to Brooks. He targeted women who were fairly young, intelligent, very beautiful and had a hair style where it was parted in the middle It was estimated that he killed 30-36 but he died with the actual number as a secret and was cremated and his ashes spread along his favorite dumping area for his victims. (info from Wikipedia and
Some similarities between Bundy and Vagner is that they both targeted women for their murders, but Vagner targeted powerless women and Bundy targeting women who looked like his first love. Both raped and killed women but Vagner did not decapitate his victims and hang their heads in his apartment. Both did die horrific deaths though, Marin was beaten with a golf club and then swerved into an oncoming truck while Bundy was fried in the electric chair (then had 2000 people sing and let of fireworks after his death). Bundy didn't seem to HATE women as much as Vagner did but nonetheless, he did kill them.
Bundy never admitted to why he started killing women but it may have been due to a relationship he had with a fellow University of Washington student named Stephanie Brooks. Bundy loved her but Brooks did not respond with the same level of passion to him and ended their relationship when she graduated in 1968. This devastated him and it's believed he picked his victims due to physical similarities to Brooks. Eventually they got back together but as soon as Brooks thought the relationship would lead to marriage, Bundy basically gave her the finger and cut off all contact to her. Unfortunately, this was not enough for Bundy's revenge on Brooks as he would then carry out 30+ murders on women who dared bear resemblance to Brooks. He targeted women who were fairly young, intelligent, very beautiful and had a hair style where it was parted in the middle It was estimated that he killed 30-36 but he died with the actual number as a secret and was cremated and his ashes spread along his favorite dumping area for his victims. (info from Wikipedia and
Some similarities between Bundy and Vagner is that they both targeted women for their murders, but Vagner targeted powerless women and Bundy targeting women who looked like his first love. Both raped and killed women but Vagner did not decapitate his victims and hang their heads in his apartment. Both did die horrific deaths though, Marin was beaten with a golf club and then swerved into an oncoming truck while Bundy was fried in the electric chair (then had 2000 people sing and let of fireworks after his death). Bundy didn't seem to HATE women as much as Vagner did but nonetheless, he did kill them.

Ted with Stephanie Brooks (could not find a picture showing her eyes)

This is Caryn Campbell, one of Ted Bundy's victims. Has a slight resemblance to Brooks' facial features and her hair is parted in the middle.