"Mikael got out of bed and went to stand naked at the kitchen window, gazing at the church on the other side of the bridge. He lit a cigarette" (374).
It is said that in Sweden, nudity is viewed as natural and it is acceptable and commonplace to be nude, individually or as a family. The idea feels foreign to someone who has lived in the United States for the entirety of their life, considering that public nudity and indecent exposure laws are heavily enforced in most locations of the country.
It is clear that Sweden views sex and nudity differently than the United States.In 2013, a 65 year old man was caught masturbating in public on a nude beach in stockholm and charged with assault. However, after a court ruling, Sweden decided that in order for it to be considered assault it would have to be directed at one or more people. Judge Vrethammer of the Sodertorn District Court thus concluded that, "the district court has made a judgement on this case. With that we can conclude that it is okay to masturbate on the beach. The act may be considered disorderly conduct." Basically, depending on the way it is directed or performed, it is acceptable. Yikes! It seems like they've taken it just a little bit too far.
Turley, Jonathan. "Swedish Court Rules That Public Masturbation Is Legal."Jonathanturley.org. Jonathan Turley, 19 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.
It is said that in Sweden, nudity is viewed as natural and it is acceptable and commonplace to be nude, individually or as a family. The idea feels foreign to someone who has lived in the United States for the entirety of their life, considering that public nudity and indecent exposure laws are heavily enforced in most locations of the country.
It is clear that Sweden views sex and nudity differently than the United States.In 2013, a 65 year old man was caught masturbating in public on a nude beach in stockholm and charged with assault. However, after a court ruling, Sweden decided that in order for it to be considered assault it would have to be directed at one or more people. Judge Vrethammer of the Sodertorn District Court thus concluded that, "the district court has made a judgement on this case. With that we can conclude that it is okay to masturbate on the beach. The act may be considered disorderly conduct." Basically, depending on the way it is directed or performed, it is acceptable. Yikes! It seems like they've taken it just a little bit too far.
Turley, Jonathan. "Swedish Court Rules That Public Masturbation Is Legal."Jonathanturley.org. Jonathan Turley, 19 Sept. 2013. Web. 02 Apr. 2014.